
Integrated Education


Education Beyond Internet··· Integrated Education Conducted within Kyung Hee University Campus

▲ Students are listening to the lecture ‘Stroll of May and Book Concert’ hosted on May 12 (Sat) by Kyung Hee Cyber University.

5월의-산책,-그리고-북-콘서트-2 5월의-산책,-그리고-북-콘서트-3

▲ Students (Left) listening to the lecture given by Professor Lee Jeong Woo (Right) at the ‘Stroll of May and Book Concert’

Kyung Hee Cyber University has been hosting various offline lectures such as special semester opening/ending lectures every semester at Kyung Hee University Campus. The popularity of special lectures regarding job seeking, entrepreneurship, and license qualifications and book concert where books are introduced by professors and opinions are shared are especially high.

The book concert hosted on May 12 (Sat) by Kyung Hee University featured Professor Lee Jeong Woo (Liberal Arts), Sociologist/Professor Min Gyeong Bae (Media Communication), Poet/Professor Shim Bo Seon (Culture and Art Management) and it consisted of discussion with attending students. Over 200 students of Kyung Hee Cyber University attended this special lecture.